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Work List
- A love poem for Holly,after her new work - CLAW SCRIPT (2014)
- A stone angel inside the temple which is undergoing a renovation (2017)
- A study of the art history (2017)
- A suite of 16 picture-haiku works I made in the year 2013 (2016)
- August story (2017)
- Dialogue (2017)
- Duet (2017)
- High rise condo at the west end (2017)
- Holly descending a staircase from the third floor to the gallery, she was about to go out to make a photograph at Trinity Bellwoods Park (one day in the spring of our thirtieth anniversary)(2012)
- I Hope You Are Well (to a contemporary art space in Beijing) (2014)
- I would have written a long poem (2017)
- If I have a pair of jet-boots (2017)
- In the Sunday afternoon (June 10th) I went to see EINSTEIN ON THE BEACH (2012)
- Last winter (2017)
- Leaf dance (2017)
- Light birds (2017)
- Listening to one of the two CDs, by Forbidden City Chamber Orchestra, I purchased in a short trip to Guangzhou early this year (2012)
- Memory (2017)
- Morning snow (2017)
- Moviola (2015)
- On Photography (2012)
- One day in the life of a sky garden (2017)
- Riding a tram in the rainy day (2017)
- Rose (2017)
- Summer Snow (2017)
- Tell them about the Spring (2017)
- The Psychological Journey while Taking a Colour Photograph of a Dinosaur (2012)
- Trace (2017)
- Trees hugging the east wind (2017)
- Tse Chi Tak visited on June 2nd and gave us "KING HEAVEN AND EARTH QUEEN”,his recent book on the demolition of Queen's Pier. (2013)
Title in Chinese
七月飄雪 (2017)
我在2013年所寫的十六件圖本俳句 (2016)
剪接盤 (2015)
希望你們都好(致北京一所當代藝術展覽空間) (2014)
看楚喬近作貓爪文想寫給她一首情詩 (2014)
六月二日友人謝至德來訪並贈其拍攝皇后碼頭拆卸之攝影冊《皇天后土》。兼談香港攝影過去史 (2013)
正在下樓梯的Holly,從三樓走到地面的畫廊。她正準備外出到Trinity Bellwoods公園拍攝一張照片。(我們結婚30周年春季的一天) (2012)
為恐龍拍攝一幀彩色照片的心路歷程 (2012)
在畫廊聽紫禁城室樂團。月前在廣州書店所得該團兩枚CD其一 (2012)
閒話攝影 (2012)
我在2013年所寫的十六件圖本俳句 (2016)
剪接盤 (2015)
希望你們都好(致北京一所當代藝術展覽空間) (2014)
看楚喬近作貓爪文想寫給她一首情詩 (2014)
六月二日友人謝至德來訪並贈其拍攝皇后碼頭拆卸之攝影冊《皇天后土》。兼談香港攝影過去史 (2013)
正在下樓梯的Holly,從三樓走到地面的畫廊。她正準備外出到Trinity Bellwoods公園拍攝一張照片。(我們結婚30周年春季的一天) (2012)
為恐龍拍攝一幀彩色照片的心路歷程 (2012)
在畫廊聽紫禁城室樂團。月前在廣州書店所得該團兩枚CD其一 (2012)
閒話攝影 (2012)